Monday, April 28, 2014

Traffic Study Lab

The purpose of this lab is to determine the traffic frequency on a busy street in Macon, Georgia. This lab was done to not only show the amount of drivers driving on a road during a particular time period and the type of cars on the road but also the habits of drivers such as texting, driving, and eating.

My lab partner, Jackie, and I determined traffic frequency and our other data by observing traffic flow at a busy thoroughfare. Specifically, we parked in the Zaxby's parking lot and watched cars driving on the 4 way stop in front of Zaxby's at 910 Riverside Dr, Macon, GA. These four roads of traffic were very busy during the time we went. Since the 4 roads had a lot of cars, we decided to only look at the one of the street with the most cars. We decided to focus specifically on the cars moving southbound on Riverside Dr. and Spring St. intersection. There was also a traffic light, so this allowed us to take down data more effectively because the cars were not moving at that time. We decided to go during rush hour, when we knew it would be the busiest. We went at about 4:30 and stayed till about 5:00. So, we observed the traffic patterns on the street for 30 minutes, which was a good time frame because it gave us enough data to make good conclusions.

Here is the chart.

From this, it can be deduced from this particular lab that about 26% of the total people observed do activities that distract them from their focus on driving. This is probably very small scale in proportion to everyone who drives in the world.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Mitochondrial Eve and Mitochondrial DNA

This lab will explain the concept of Mitochondrial Eve, Mitonchindrial DNA characteristics that will gateway to how physical features are different on people all around the world yet the vast majority may come from the same person.

Mitochondrial Eve refers to the common ancestor of all current humans, who is estimated to have lived approximately 100,000–200,000 years ago. This is the most recent woman from whom all living humans today descend, on their mother’s side, and through the mothers of those mothers, and so on, back until all lines converge on one person. Because all mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) generally is passed from mother to offspring without recombination, all mtDNA in every living person is descended from hers by definition, differing only by the mutations that over generations have occurred in the germ cell mtDNAMitochondrial Eve is named after mitochondria and the Eve from the Bible. Unlike her biblical namesake, she was not the only living human female of her time.

Mitochondrial DNA is located in the mitochondria, located inside of a cell. It is the powerhouse, converting chemical energy into food for the cell. In humans, the mitochondrial DNA is very small compared to other DNA in the human body especially.  Human mitochondrial DNA was the first significant part of the human genome to be sequenced. In most species, including humans, mtDNA is inherited solely from the mother.

Here are pictures of 5 different people, physically and in enthinically around the world.


Edward James Olmos, native born Bolivian is an actor/author who resides in California. His features include more tan but fair skin, dark hair, almond eyes, thin lips and medium-sized nose.


Faten Hamana is a famous Egyptian actress. She has medium-sized lips, dark hair, fair skin, a fairly pointed nose, and a round shaped head. She has almond eyes as well.


These two ladies are native Greenlanders. They have features similar to Native Americans, and this could contribute to migrating from place to place due to different  factors some time ago. They have small slit eyes, pointed noses, thin lips and tan olive skin.


This is Sophia Loren, a famous Italian actress. She has characteristics similar to Egyptians. Her characteristics include, medium-sized lips, dark hair, bigger almond eyes, pointed nose, and tan skin that leans the more fair side. Italian women are known to have hourglass shaped bodies naturally, and Loren does. Although I have met some short Native Italians, most are fairly tall.


This famous Congolese singer, Tabu Ley Rochereau, has very bold features, as do many from the Congo area. He has darker skin, full lips, a fuller nose, and dark coarser hair. Most Congolese natives are fairly tall 

It is hard to describe different body types when so many factors contribute to that, such as stress, food, and sleep habits. Height, however, stays pretty consistent throughout most ethnicities.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Tree and Shrub Exploration

With nature surrounding us everyday, we lose sight of how diverse plants and trees are. After some observation around Mercer , I see the various plants that reside on our campus. Here are a couple of my favorite trees and shrubs.

The Weeping Willow

The Salix babylonica, better known as the Weeping Willow, is a beautiful tree with down-turned branches that are delicate and light. Because these trees are so tall and wide, this calls for large root systems. They need plenty of space when it comes to growth. One major advantage this tree gives is their easygoing growth conditions. They can thrive in different soils, including alkaline, soggy or stone dry soil. These trees also live very long as long has they are well maintained, including an annual pruning.

The Wonderboom

The Wonderboom, translated as “Tree of Wonder” or “Miracle tree”, is a unique 1000 year old fig tree found North of the Magaliesburg Mountains in Pretoria. The tree, now a national monument, is unusually large, standing around 25 meters high and having a 5,5 meters diameter main trunk. It’s growth pattern is also unusual; as its branches grow longer, they droop towards the ground and eventually take root and form a circle of new trunks or daughter trees around the original tree. It is a very interesting tree.

The Needle Palm

The Rhapidophyllum hystrix (Needle Palm) is a palm, and it is native to the subtropical southeastern United States, from central Florida to GeorgiaMississippiSouth Carolina and Alabama. It is one of the most cold-hardy palms in the world, and can be found growing in several areas with warm temperate climates.The Needle Palm assumes a shrub-like clumping form with several stems growing from a single base, the stems growing very slowly and tightly together, The flowers are borne in dense, short clusters at the top of the stems; it has male and female flowers on separate plants.

Spineless Prickly Pear

The Opuntia ellisiana, or the Prickly pear is a large, spiny cactus that bears numerous deep red, juicy-sweet fruits. Early historic observations and archeological data clearly indicate Native Americans relied on prickly pear for food, medicine, and as a source of needles, containers, and water. Prickly pear gets its name from numerous sharp spines borne on the stems, and the seasonal fruits known as pears or tunas. The long, sharp spines (the prickly part of the name) are actually modified leaves that harden as they age. Technically, the plant’s “branches,” known as pads or nopales, are succulent, evergreen stem segments. The fruit begins to ripen in midsummer to a deep red color and produces a very sweet purple-red juice.
